Monday 24 August 2009

Techno Dreams, Or So It May Seem.

I didn't think it would feel weird to have the clutches of my laptop back within reach but, after just three weeks without internet access, the small, compact keys beneath my fingertips feel almost alien to me. Strange, for someone who has used a computer almost every single day for the past six years. Alas, we now have a phone line and an internet connection in the flat. And I haven't really missed tracking everything and everyone's actions as much as I thought I might do. The novelty is wearing off slightly, I feel I won't be as addicted as before. It is though one of the safer addictions to fall victim of.

What this post is really saying is that I'm back in touch with the technological world and will continue now to maintain this blog. Glastonbury really does feel like an age away. I've always been a Country boy and the mere though of living in a City was a reality I'd rather ignore however, contrary to my previous fears, Southampton already feels like home. Moving day was swift (would have been far swifter had it not been for the too-large sofa which would not squeeze into the too-small door frame. Cue a dismantling operation followed by a trip to B&Q followed by a reinvention) and everything had a home after just two days. It hasn't taken long to find my way around and I feel accepted here already. I'm too excited for words ahead of the thought of starting uni, and am willing the final few weeks away eagerly. I have friends visiting on Thursday and I can't wait to show them around my new home town. That's not to say I've forgotten all about Glastonbury, I'm just a little glad to be somewhere that I don't see the same face twice. Small towns are perfect for young children and the older generation, but I've got some living to do and a city is the only place to be.

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Thanks for taking the time to write :)